Uncategorized church deception following christ understanding Church Life sin Judgment false teachers hypocrisy Doctrine Organized church holiness Gospel NonResistance Religion Protestantism Christian

Practical Holiness

Is there such a thing as practical holiness? Is there a Biblical holiness that is actually displayed in the lives of Christians? Or, is the holiness mentioned in Scriptures only theoretical? Are Christians only to be concerned with knowing the fundamental principles of holiness and not the application and implementation of these principles? Holiness is […]

Uncategorized church cross deception following christ humanism Church Life prophecy sin heresy false teachers faith hypocrisy Organized church Gospel Patriotism Religion Protestantism history Christian

The Christian as a Sign, of What?

These afterthoughts from the last article highlights the position of every Christian, but it is especially significant and important for the novice Christian because for him there is no marked separation from the world as there is for the professional Christian, the clergy. For the common Christian, there is no illusion on this subject because […]

Uncategorized adversity church cross following christ sacrifice suffering understanding Serving Communion Truth peace Gospel Justice Politics NonResistance Religion persecution martyrdom history violence Anabaptist Christian

The Christian as a Sign In the World

It is clear that the Christian is in the world and that in the world he must remain like a uniformed soldier that is “on-duty” in a hostile land. When his job is done it will be God’s calling that will bring him home and not his own doing. Similarly, Christians are to return to, […]

Uncategorized discernment Communion Religion Christian Poetry

A Meditation For Wednesday, March 7, 2019

I love writing poetry and exploring the depths of my emotions and their meaning. For instance, I used to think that a person is a solo object floating in the midst of abstract indefiniteness yet has a mysterious link to all other things. Is that even possible, to be an individual and still be part […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross discernment following christ sacrifice Government faith Truth Organized church war Gospel Patriotism Catholic Religion persecution violence Reformation Anabaptist Christian

The Most Powerful Weapon on Earth

The most unpleasant, and I must say stupid situation, I have ever found myself in is to have ownership of the most powerful weapon ever, without much caring about it or concern for its use. I can not say I was ignorant of this weapon because it was everywhere portrayed, illustrated, and exemplified by eyewitness […]

Uncategorized church cross discernment following christ sacrifice Serving faith Truth peace war Gospel Religion Christian Freedom Poetry photography

A Meditation on the Last Roll-Call

Nearing the end of a long threescore and ten, With all its chances, changes, losses, sorrows, and dangers, My parents’ deaths and brother too, the nonconformity of my life through, The many tearing passions of my mind, the war of ’68 and ‘9, As some old spent warrior, down a long, hot, lonely corridor, Reckoned […]

Uncategorized understanding faith Communion Truth Gospel Religion Christian Freedom Poetry photography

Into the Light, A Photographer’s Journey

Old and blind but in love with light, he’d reach for the hands of friends to guide him back to bygone landscapes, once the subject of his photographs. Often he’d reimagine how hard it was to interpret it just right, and now felt sad but free of such weights. Then, it was a last fleeting […]

Uncategorized cross deception suffering repentence sin Judgment Truth Gospel Religion violence Christian Poetry

The Questionable Cross

The cross is conspicuously and inescapably Opposed to everything I think and see, And I’m to trust and be willing; When in His mercy there’s killing? The cross was repugnant and incongruity I could not accept this, this blood-love seizing me. That mystery possessed me, though resisting unbending, God’s goodness toward some, and to others […]

Uncategorized apostasy deception following christ Church Life Government Judgment false teachers hypocrisy Truth Organized church peace war Gospel Patriotism Politics NonResistance Religion Protestantism american history violence Anabaptist Christian

Exposing Traitors!

Adapted from a pamphlet by Followers of the Way TREASON, n. tree’zn. Treason is the highest crime of a civil nature of which a man can be guilty. Black’s Law Dictionary defines “treason” as ”attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which one owes allegiance, either by making war against the state or […]

Uncategorized church cross sacrifice suffering Government faith Truth peace war Gospel NonResistance Religion persecution martyrdom violence Christian

The Standard and Rationale for Non-Resistance

Adapted from a book (Christian Non-Resistance) by Adin Ballou This is a reflection on the doctrine of non-resistance with respect to the underlying standard from which it proceeds, then on to the justification from which it originates, and then to the sub-principle of duty in which we understand the application. The Standard What is the […]