Establishing the Fact
Why is it that every "Christian" thinks he or she is going to go to Heaven? The Bible is very plain concerning the fact that that isn’t going to happen. Everyone who says "Lord, Lord" will not make it. But, it doesn’t matter, wherever you go, or who ever you talk to, they’re all going.
Now, we have a little problem; either the Bible is incorrect or a whole lot of people have been deceived into thinking they have their ticket purchased and their trip all squared away, and they’re just waiting on the bus. Of course the idea that the Bible is not the final word and not totally correct is becoming more popular, and the issue of “having it all squared away” is becoming less controversial; there is a general consensus that that particular point is settled and we’re O.K., but the other idea, deception, ends up being the more realistic problem.
Deception, trickery, ruse, sham, fraud, con, cheat, what interesting words. Is it conceivable that so many Christians are deceived? Who is doing the deceiving? The preachers? The devil? The government? God? Maybe it is ourselves; Paul says, “…let no one deceive you…” as if we can only be deceived if we “let” ourselves be deceived. I can understand deception in the area of un-believers, but we’re talking about “Christians.” Ask anyone who has raised their hand during a worship service and they can assure you that they have followed procedures and that their bus token, regardless of how “straight” or hard the gate is to get through is valid. Who is it then that the Lord was referring to when he said in Matt 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven…” Paul, interestingly enough, encouraged Timothy to “lay hold of eternal life,” creating the notion that it might slip away, or tear itself loose from its mooring, that even he might be deceived. Deception, a very interesting concept indeed, and one that needs to be comprehended, after all, it could be soundly stated that we are living in the age of deception, at the end, when all the chips are on the table and the great contest of wills and wit comes down to “the Lie,” the bluff that will win the ranch away from so many deceived Christians. But it isn’t just salvation that is at stake here, it is the whole body of Truth. This is a dangerous time, a time when we must be able to think clearly, to cut through the haze and fog, and discern Truth.
The Bible instructs us to comprehend the “signs of the times.” Even professional poker players, gamblers in this world, make their living knowing how to read signs or “tells” that enlighten them on how to stay in the game. The overriding principle of winning the game of poker is to “put all the odds in your favor,” so studying the cards, being able to read the other players, having discipline, and being consistent, are keys to winning. No professional poker player thinks poker is a game of chance; if he puts “all” the odds in his favor he knows he can win. There is something to be learned from their technique. We can put the odds in our favor by knowing how to read the signs of the times (discernment Jn. 16:13), by studying Jesus (Heb 12:2-3), looking for the “tells” which expose false teaching (Matt. 7:20), living a disciplined life in the Lord (walking in the Spirit Gal. 5:16), and by being consistent (faithful Jas. 1:6). We can not allow our salvation to become a game of “chance;” we must not be deceived.
Re-discovering the Path
Things have been going the way they are at present for an extremely long time. If we are deceived, when did the deception sneak in? We should be able to look into the past and discover the point at which the path was departed. At the point of exit is where we must return. We need to begin with a firm foundation, of belief and doctrine (1Tim. 4:16), from which we can establish a boundary marker or a base, and then we can determine if those markers have been moved or tampered with. Once we see where the boundaries belong we can alter our heading to resume the correct path. Getting back to where we belong will mean an exercise of extreme faith and discipline, saving ourselves (Phil 2:12,13), and becoming a beacon of light for those who follow. The laws of inertia have a cementing effect on men, especially men who have become weak and at rest, and much effort will be involved to get them moving again, effort directed by the Holy Spirit.
First, we need to establish the fact that it is conceivable that the masses of mankind can be deceived. If this fact cannot be firmly established then we are wasting a lot of time looking for something that may not even exist. We talked about discovering the old surveyor’s marker that determines what the standard should be, the boundary marker that tells us that we can go this far and no farther. Now we are at the spot where we have to ask ourselves, “Will I believe what the marker says or will I be enticed to move the marker and break through the wall into areas I’m not permitted.” The Bible is our standard; it is the ancient boundary stone that we are forbidden to move at our own hurt. Hos 5:10 says "The leaders of Judah have become the lowest sort of thieves” as those who move boundary markers to steal property from their brothers and from the Lord (see Dt. 19:14, 27:17). The truth is we have moved it many, many, times over the past two thousand years and that is why we are wandering and confused, desiring Agape (Divine love), Koinonia (fellowship and sharing), and Ecclesia (the gathering of the saints) but knowing deep inside it is more our imagination than reality. We get the sense of it, the scent of it, like a flower we can’t see, and we know it exist because we can smell it. It is genuine and it is that yearning, for the real thing, not the “replica,” which demands that we press forward; it is the smell of our Lord that we sense and it is He that draws us to Himself. It is Jesus who is the boundary marker, the standard, and it is He that the Bible speaks of, from beginning to end. Jesus can be trusted and He Himself cautioned us to, “Take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many”( Matthew 24:4-5). “Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many” (v. 11.) “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (v. 11). Note the words Jesus used: ". . . Many will come . . . and will deceive many . . . Many false prophets will rise up and deceive many." The Greek word polus, translated "many," means "many, much, great" (Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, 1985, "Many"). This deception is clearly massive and widespread. Who is the real mastermind behind this worldwide deception?". . . Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works" (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).
Satan's Modus Operandi, DECEPTION
"But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it!" (2 Corinthians 11:3-4.)
"I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ" (Galatians 1:6-7).
Jesus Christ predicted that some would take His name and claim to represent Him—but those same people would be deceivers. They would claim to be Christian but would bring a different message and a counterfeit Christianity. In Paul's day this movement was already well under way. Some were already preaching "another Jesus" and "a different gospel." Most churches in our time focus on a gospel about Christ while ignoring the focus of His teaching. Obscuring His intended message, they preach a gospel that is different from "the Gospel of the kingdom of God" that Jesus taught (Mark 1:14, 15).
What is the extent of this deception?
"… that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world" (Rev 12:9)
“…and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while” (Rev 20:3).
“Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea…” (Rev 20:7-9).
“Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth” (Rev 13:14).
Who is involved in this deception?
"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ" (2 Corinthians 11:13) .
Within only a few years after Jesus Christ's death, people began to distort and misrepresent His message. When two decades had barely passed, the apostle Paul warned congregations about "false apostles," telling them that he had already suffered at the hands of "false brethren" (2 Corinthians 11:13,26). These deceivers came in Christ's name, but they led many astray with their distorted message. By the time we reach AD 68 Jesus is telling John, in a vision, that if the Church did not do its first works over their candle stick would be removed. The social gospel had been born and was gaining a life of its own, a child of deception, and the offspring of Satan. The social gospel was no threat to Rome because they were of the same family. These corrupted believers could worship their god without the risk of persecution, just like the church in America and Europe.
In the face of persecution, that followed closely, the genuine “Body of Christ” grew at an astounding rate. Within 300 years nearly the whole known world had been Christianized. All of this took place as Satan and his demons were lighting up the Roman Empire with the bodies of Christians, turned into human torches; while hungry lions gorged themselves on the members of Christ’s body; while Christians hid in caves and catacombs and fled for their lives into the vast reaches of the then known world, carrying with them the news of God’s immense love, His Kingdom come to earth, as exhibited through the living Body of Christ, the Church.
In A.D. 311 the Emperor Constantine declared the Roman Empire a Christian nation and established Christianity as the state religion. Did you catch that? Now, believing became easy, as the cost was reduced and persecution stopped. The doors were swung wide and the pews became packed with unbelievers anxious to partake of this free lunch of "Christian" importance. The numbers grew steadily, for awhile. Today, in this same area of the world, Christianity has been reduced to just a handful of believers and persecution is on the rise again. With Constantine, building the church was something men did. Men sanctioned it, men sponsored it, and men built it, with earthly materials. It was decided by men that building, maintaining, and spreading Christianity was something best accomplished by trained experts. Jesus was no longer the living head of the church body but rather the absentee landlord who has become a symbolical figurehead of the new church organization. The Body of Christ had become an organization instead of the living organism that characterized the early church of the Book of Acts. Only rumors and spotty second hand accounts remained to identify this new church with the power of the Holy Spirit displayed in the form of gifts and miracles and supernatural love. The church, as warned by Jesus Christ, was now in the hands of its captors, with miracles, healings, dreams and visions, and prophesies, all of another sort.
An historical account taken from Schaff’s History of the Church
\Volume Three – From Constantine the Great to Gregory the Great (A.D. 311-590)\NICENE AND POST-NICENE CHRISTIANITY (A.D. 311-590)\1. Introduction and General View. – §
1. Introduction and General View.
“From the Christianity of the Apostles and Martyrs we proceed to the Christianity of the Patriarchs and Emperors.” “The third period of the history of the Church, which forms the subject of this volume, extends from the emperor Constantine to the pope Gregory I.; from the beginning of the fourth century to the close of the sixth. During this period Christianity still moves, as in the first three centuries, upon the geographical scene of the Graeco-Roman empire and the ancient classical culture, the countries around the Mediterranean Sea. But its field and its operation are materially enlarged, and even touch the barbarians on the limit of the empire. Above all, its relation to the temporal power, and its social and political position and import, undergo an entire and permanent change. We have here to do with the church of the Graeco-Roman empire, and with the beginning of Christianity among the Germanic barbarians. Let us glance first at the general character and leading events of this important period.”
“The reign of Constantine the Great marks the transition of the Christian religion from under persecution by the secular government to union with the same; the beginning of the state-church system. The Graeco-Roman heathenism, the most cultivated and powerful form of idolatry, which history knows, surrenders, after three hundred years' struggle, to Christianity, and dies of incurable consumption, with the confession: Galilean, thou hast conquered! The ruler of the civilized world lays his crown at the feet of the crucified Jesus of Nazareth. The successor of Nero, Domitian, and Diocletian appears in the imperial purple at the council of Nice as protector of the church, and takes his golden throne at the nod of bishops, who still bear the scars of persecution. The despised sect, which, like its Founder in the days of His humiliation, had not where to lay its head, is raised to sovereign authority in the state, enters into the prerogatives of the pagan priesthood, grows rich and powerful, builds countless churches out of the stones of idol temples to the honor of Christ and his martyrs, employs the wisdom of Greece and Rome to vindicate the foolishness of the cross, exerts a molding power upon civil legislation, rules the national life, and leads off the history of the world. But at the same time the church, embracing the mass of the population of the empire, from the Caesar to the meanest slave, and living amidst all its institutions, received into her bosom vast deposits of foreign material from the world and from heathenism, exposing herself to new dangers and imposing upon herself new and heavy labors.”
“The union of church and state extends its influence, now healthful, now baneful, into every department of our history.”
“The Christian life of the Nicene and post-Nicene age reveals a mass of worldliness within the church; an entire abatement of chiliasm with its longing after the return of Christ and his glorious reign, and in its stead an easy repose in the present order of things; with a sublime enthusiasm, on the other hand, for the renunciation of self and the world, particularly in the hermitage and the cloister, and with some of the noblest heroes of Christian holiness.” “Monasticism, in pursuance of the ascetic tendencies of the previous period, and in opposition to the prevailing secularization of Christianity, sought to save the virgin purity of the church and the glory of martyrdom by retreat from the world into the wilderness; and it carried the ascetic principle to the summit of moral heroism, though not rarely to the borders of fanaticism and brutish stupefaction. It spread with incredible rapidity and irresistible fascination from Egypt over the whole church, east and west, and received the sanction of the greatest church teachers, of an Athanasius, a Basil, a Chrysostom, an Augustine, a Jerome, as the surest and shortest way to heaven.
It soon became a powerful rival of the priesthood, and formed a third order, between the priesthood and the laity. The more extraordinary and eccentric the religion of the anchorets and monks, the more they were venerated among the people. The whole conception of the Christian life from the fourth to the sixteenth century is pervaded with the ascetic and monastic spirit, and pays the highest admiration to the voluntary celibacy, poverty, absolute obedience, and excessive self-punishments of the pillar-saints and the martyrs of the desert; while in the same degree the modest virtues of every-day household and social life are looked upon as an inferior degree of morality.”
Today we have reached the pinnacle of pride and human glory in the man-made church and it is identified with a totally outward appearance but utterly lacking of inward substance. In the preface to his book The Knowledge of the Holy, A. W. Tozer says the reason for writing the book was “called forth by a condition which has existed in the Church for some years and is steadily growing worse.” “Modern Christianity is simply not producing the kind of Christian who can appreciate or experience the life in the spirit.” “…The churches are more prosperous than at any time within the past several hundred years. But the alarming thing is that our gains are mostly external and our losses wholly internal; and since it is the quality of our religion that is affected by internal conditions, it may be that our supposed gains are but losses spread over a wider field.”
When we look for the church today it can be found in these outward characteristics of architecture, religious symbolism, or the increase of knowledge and intelligence. Mans seeking “his own” glory is at the root of the problem. Their earth bound desire to unlock Holy Scripture reflects a similar incident, involving the Pharisees, related in Matt. 22:29 “You error, not knowing scripture, or the power of God.” If we are not seeing God’s results from God’s Word then we are in ERROR and deceived. Even the disciples, after three years of teaching had to be rebuked for their unbelief. It wasn’t because they didn’t understand what they were told; it was because they did not believe what Christ said. “O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken” (Lk. 24:25-27). All the theological schools and universities and man made churches are filled to the hilt with deceived “Christians” trying to determine what God means in His word. Almost ninety times in the New Testament alone, an appeal is made to readers to just believe what “is written,” as if everything was simple enough to understand if you wanted to. Pride, self-will, self-deception, and rebellion against what “is written” are the causes of the Bible being hard to understand.
The Body of Christ today has become the invisible church, only to be found by very few. Today, as never before, it has become very apparent that all the building of our modern Tower of Babel has failed. The sheep of His flock have scattered and are lost and hungry and listening for a voice from heaven. Jesus promised that His sheep would hear His voice and would follow Him. The Good Shepard’s voice is being heard now, even though faintly, calling His sheep out of the dark.
“My sheep know my voice….”
7 replies on “Deception”
Just wanted to give a quote from C.H. Spurgeon in reference to the above:
"I believe there will be more in Heaven than in hell. If anyone asks me why I think so, I answer, because Christ, in everything, is to 'have the pre-eminence,' and I cannot conceive how He could have the pre-eminence if there are to be more in the dominions of Satan than in Paradise" (from The Autobiography of Charles H. Spurgeon")
But Jesus says in Matthew 7:13 and 14:
"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."
Spurgeon was putting his faith into what he could "conceive", instead of the clear teaching of the Word of God. And the reason he believed what he did was that he put Calvin above Scripture, and John Calvin's distorted doctrines. So when it comes to men such as Spurgeon, we need to ask: Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you (men like Spurgeon) more than unto God, judge ye." (Peter and John answering the Jewish leadersin Acts 4:19).
I used to believe certain doctrines simply because as a young Christian I was taught those things by my favorite "trusted" Bible teachers, instead of by the Holy Scriptures. Gradually, though, I came to see from Scripture that some of these things weren't true, and I needed to repent from following men.
An example would be how surprising it is, shocking actually, to see how many modern day Bible teachers and preachers teach millions or billions of years to earth's existence, the gap theory, death before Adam's fall, and a figurative interpretation to the early chapters of Genesis. Men such as John Ankerberg, Gleason Archer, James Montgomery Boice, Norman Geisler, and J. Vernon McGee did not teach Genesis as historically believed and literally interpreted, but succumbed to evolutionary heresy to teach "millions of years". So these "leaders" who ought to be defending the truth of God's Word, sought approval from the world, and deceived and misled the sheep. They should be the very ones who would be defending God's Word against the attacks of the enemy, but they chose not to bear the reproach of Christ, but instead caused the faith of some to stumble by their compromise. You tell me if that's not the definition of a hireling!
There are other examples of false doctrines being put forth by seemingly "trusted" Bible teachers, but I trust the above example will cause each of us to look more closely at who we may be following. Hopefully it is the Lord Jesus Christ and His true 1611 Authorized Bible. God bless all of you!
You make several good points. You are right, we should be very careful who we put our trust in, deception is rampant. It is not unusual to find error, big and small, in everyone we meet. If we look hard enough we will discover that we have all made mistakes in our reading of God’s holy word, judging people incorrectly, and conducting our lives on false notions. Maturity and growth are important Christian characteristics, and is something we will do all our lives, if we continue in the “narrow way,” and move into the light. And, if we look a little harder we will also discover that we have put unwarranted trust in a man, or group of men. If you are part of the organized Church, I would never be convinced, that you also have not blindly trusted in something your “pastor” has told you. As a matter of fact, I would go as far as to say, if you are a member of the organized Church, you are part of a great number of deceived individuals, but I would not go as far as to say you are in the “broad way,” or lost.
Was Spurgeon incorrect in his statement about the number of people going to Heaven? Yes, I believe he was, and I base that on the same verses of Scripture you quote, but I would not conclude that he is in the “broad way” because of that, or a false teacher; he is just mistaken. Having said that, let me make a distinction between those who preach heresy and teach false doctrine, and those who are just mistaken. If you have been around my site much you will notice that I spare no words against those who are false teachers, false prophets, and heretics. People like Brian McLaren, Rob Bell, Tony Jones, Doug Pagett, Rick Warren, and their ilk, along with false prophets like Rick Joyner, Harold Camping, Ronald Weinland, Benny Hinn, T.D. Jakes, Robert Schuller, Marilyn Hickey, Paul and Jan Crouch, Rod Parsley, and the list goes on. I would also agree with you concerning the age of the earth, and I find it hard to see how one could not see this the way I do, but I would not cast them into the lake of fire for this misunderstanding. There could be a rewards issue, but I will leave this to Father.
The attacks of the enemy come in lots of different ways against God’s children, but God’s children are not hirelings, although they may be mistaken on some things. In my own estimation it is the “organized Church” that is the biggest problem with propagating incorrect doctrine, and these are all headed by a CEO who rules the roost and feeds his own particular brand of the truth to the flock, who have no voice in the body, unless they are part of the “board of directors,” i.e. the deacon board, and even then, they are only a reflection of the head religious guy, who gives the speech on Sunday morning. If you go to a religious building (church) where the CEO teaches KJV only, then there is no room for argument; you either fly with the flock, or leave.
What you are professing is just as much in error as the men you mention, maybe worse. Personal holiness is very, very important to Father; “Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of the disciples a yoke that neither we nor our fathers have been able to bear?” Acts 15:10. Trying to make ourselves acceptable to our Father by adhering to the dictates of a church handbook will not make us holy, but it will make us a hypocrite.
Granted, there are some really bad translation out there, but to say that the “1611 Authorized Bible” is God’s choice, is in my eyes, a little naive. To say that the version sanctioned by a King who was, by all historical accounts, a homosexual, and who was complicit in the beheading of a cousin, is a heavy burden to lay on someones neck. The only inspired writings we have are those that were originally given to us by the Holy Spirit, everything else is tainted by the fingers of men, even the KJV 1611.
If you want to fight the battle, do it against the enemy, the false teachers, and false prophets, and the heretics, not against those who have simply misread something.
Deception, it’s out there, and it is in our own lives. Don’t be deceived!
Steve Blackwell
Great article – thanks – I read it first on Lighthouse Trails. I live in the UK, and my husband and I were deceived for many years, being RC's for most of our lives, then getting into the "charismatic movement". My church started promoting Rob Bell and Rick Warren a couple of years ago, and I realised by God's grace that they were in error, and I left.
My husband and I now attend a good solid bible believing church, but I am always wary of being deceived, and stay on my guard against this at all times. Some in our little church are so unaware what goes on out there in other churches, they get complacent. Also the younger ones seem to get caught up in CCM, which can be detrimental, I used to listen to this too, and our church had a "worship band".
@Dale Yes some good comments there – just shows you – I hadn't realised Spurgeon had said that "more people would be ultimately saved than lost" – so even he could be wrong! We must learn to not to put too much on men's words. I also know some people that won't hear anything said against Billy Graham – I eventually realised that he too has been deceived. I pray that I will keep the faith, by the grace of God.
Those words are music to my ears. Witnessing lives being changed makes it all worth the effort. It seems like all we hear is the rumors of more saints falling, and my heart gets heavier and heavier, then I get a letter like your’s, and I feel new energy filling my soul.
To be a watchman means first and foremost that we be watchmen over our own souls, and there is no better way to do that than prayer. To “watch and pray” is the directions right from our Lord’s mouth.
My wife and I have been without T.V., newspaper, and radio, for about six years now. I get my news from RSS feeds over the internet. This is an unnecessary hardship for most Christians, but for us it was very necessary. Our walk with Jesus is worth more than entertainment, so it had to go.
Stay in the fight and don’t give up, our reward is coming.
In His service,
Steve Blackwell
This was a great and important article! So many people want to make wide the gate. Such as Billy Graham saying on live T.V. in 1997 (Robert Schuller program) that many people who don't even know the name of Jesus will be "with us" in Heaven. I heard the late Dr. J. Vernon McGee say on the March 12, 2010 (last year) edition of Thru the Bible Radio that he "agrees with Spurgeon" that many more people will ultimately be saved than lost, because God's sovereignty will not be frustrated. One wonders who it was who decided that a simple majority was necessary to substantiate the sovereignty of God — why not a two-thirds majority, or in the case of Rob Bell, everyone. With Dr. McGee teaching "Thru the Bible" for 50 years, one wonders how he could be so ignorant on such a common and well-known Bible passage where Jesus states that the way is narrow. Or perhaps McGee just likes to name-drop Spurgeon (as so many preachers love to do), to somehow justify his teachings. Well sorry, Spurgeon was wrong, and the Holy Scriptures are correct!!
You have said so much in so little space, and you are absolutely right. God would be sovereign if He saved only one, or none at all. What if God had not created man at all, would He not still be sovereign? The big question for salvation is not, why are so few saved, but rather, why does He save any at all, given our horrible condition?
Thanks for this insight, and the Lord bless you,
Steve Blackwell
[…] Deception, trickery, ruse, sham, fraud, con, cheat, what interesting words. Is it conceivable that so many Christians are deceived? Who is doing the deceiving? The preachers? The devil? The government? God? Maybe it is ourselves; Paul says, “…let no one deceive you…” as if we can only be deceived if we “let” ourselves be deceived. I can understand deception in the area of un-believers, but we’re talking about “Christians.” Ask anyone who has raised their hand during a worship service and they can assure you that they have followed procedures and that their bus token, regardless of how “straight” or hard the gate is to get through is valid. Who is it then that the Lord was referring to when he said in Matt 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven…” Paul, interestingly enough, encouraged Timothy to “lay hold of eternal life,” creating the notion that it might slip away, or tear itself loose from its mooring, that even he might be deceived. Deception, a very interesting concept indeed, and one that needs to be comprehended, after all, it could be soundly stated that we are living in the age of deception, at the end, when all the chips are on the table and the great contest of wills and wit comes down to “the Lie,” the bluff that will win the ranch away from so many deceived Christians. But it isn’t just salvation that is at stake here, it is the whole body of Truth. This is a dangerous time, a time when we must be able to think clearly, to cut through the haze and fog, and discern Truth. Read more: […]