Man, as a creative being, is undeniable. Created in the image of God it is no wonder that man imagines, plans, consults, gathers, and brings into existence something from nothing. Well, that is not exactly the case, he takes from what God has created, that is, raw materials, or an empty canvas, and re-creates according to a “nature” inherited from his father who is the Master Creator of everything. The freedom given to God’s children is also freedom to be creative and to make inspired choices.
This freedom now corrupted, misdirected, and perverted by a serious mistake in judgment back in the Garden, passed along to all later generations the ability to know both good and evil, and the freedom to choose between the two. What would we expect of men, with corrupt mental processes over thousands of years, having now gotten inside information into science, philosophy, medicine, mathematics, construction, farming, etc.? Would we expect him to reach a level of perfection in these processes, by making correct choices, or would we expect more “mistakes in judgment”? Is it that man may now, with his creative abilities, create a monster, or pattern something after his own image or that of his surrogate father the Devil, then mistakenly believe that with complete knowledge, of both good and evil, consider himself on par with God, as did Eve? Yes, it is likely!
Humankind competes with God on every level, including creating things from [seemingly] nothing. We see this clearly in the world today, to the extreme point of man’s ability to likewise destroy everything. We also see it in man’s quest for God, even to reach godhood through religious activities. Within the first generation of man’s creation, we see innovative man with, what appears as, good intentions, manipulate God’s simple instructions for worship into something, he considered, more appealing, to satisfy his own need for applause and appreciation. Man, even religious man, even Christian man, being in the likeness of God now gravitates toward selfishness and ignores the lessons of his ancestors. Today, all Christians, ignoring the failures of the Old Testament Jews, of Christian factions from the time of Christ up to the present, reject or misinterpret the pleading voice of God through His Holy Spirit. Today, Christians ignoring historical teachings (Psalm 95; Hebrews 3:7-8, 12, 15, 4:7) have retired to cities and farms pretending to obey Christ through isolation and pretense, and forget that “Unless a seed of corn falls to the ground and dies, it remains alone.” There is a famine of new Christian growth in the world, and it is my conclusion that the vision of Christ has been turned inward away from danger, toward our own kind, toward selfishness and self-preservation, and toward a sacrifice of beauty, talent, garden vegetables, and isolation, but void of any “blood.” What did God demand but the crawling upon an altar, of a living self-sacrifice, the only acceptable sacrifice, modeled first by His only Son, Jesus.
Man, made in God’s image, now ignores God, focused downward, with self-esteem, self-love, self-motivation, self-confidence, self-made, self-supporting, self-sustaining, and with no stretch of the imagination, totally self-centered. Today, at the end of time, man has re-created God in his own image.
God help us!!???