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Thoughts about “THE SHACK” Please Take Time to Read:)

This is an e-mail that I received from a very well respected friend, who in turn received it from a friend, and has given permission for me to post it here,  concerning the book “The Shack.” I have never read the book but Have researched it enough to know that it is a successful product […]

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In Search of Christmas

Well, it’s that time of year again, and Ah Ha, Christians everywhere will be partying with the Pagans.  And, of course someone always has to come along and spoil the fun by pointing out the, now obvious, truth that “Christmas” is not a holiday (holy day) but pagan to the core; those mean ole Grinchs. […]

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Touch Not the Unclean Thing: Part Two

Sir Robert Anderson, was called the “Secret Service Theologian!” Anderson’s skills of detective work are well known, and he applied those skills in the discharge of his duties at Scotland Yard. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with his conclusions regarding Daniel’s seventieth week, in his book “The Coming Prince” his words of advice […]

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Touch Not the Unclean Thing

2 Cor 6:14-7:1 “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are […]

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A Response To Richard Abanes’ Attack Of Ken Silva

It is true, in the world, “might is right.” The rich and the powerful will prevail over the poor and the weak, but that is in the world. Christ had a new way, the Christian way. In the world, if you have the power to destroy your enemy, you are expected to use it, it […]

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Where Is The Church Deceived?

There is a lot of buzz on the internet about deception in the Church. We know the world is deceived, but the Church? The Church isn’t supposed to be deceived, after all, isn’t the Church the repository of truth? Isn’t the “lost” being saved from the deception and lies of the world by the Church? […]

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Religion: Satan’s Greatest Deception

It has always been a curious thing to me this thing called "religion." I haven't done a study on the number of religions that exist in the world: main line religions, their various branches, sects, cults, and spin offs, but the vastness has to be mind boggling, all claiming to be the truth, lead to […]

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God’s Secret Of Revival

The God of the Old Testament and the New Testament transcends all the ways of man, and at times has completely ignored men, and has made absolutely apparent His independence apart from the ways of men. Has this God, now in the days since Paul and the other apostles, decided to reveal His Glory through […]

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Bob Dewaay’s reply to Rick Warren Meeting

K Jentoft, a member of Twin City Fellowship, where Bob Dewaay is lead Pastor, has sent this letter as an introduction to the follow-up of Bob’s meeting with Rick Warren. There has been much speculation because of this meeting of adversaries in the “truth war.” Some were ready to write this meeting off as an […]

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Breaking Up Fallow Ground

As you may well know I have been inactive on this blog for a little while now. This was by choice, after writing Rick Warren and Richard Abanes an apology letter, because what I had written about them, was in the wrong spirit. In obedience to my Father I openly admitted my fault to both […]