Love is Prophetic

Love is a prophecy, hidden deep within desire.
Men ignore love’s potential, and the lateness of the hour.
Love is moving earth below us, and the heaven up still higher,
Yet men slumber in their apathy, ignorant of love’s great power.
Love has forever in the past, and still now does exist,
Even in our hopelessness and the want of experience.
Love is something everywhere wanted, and universally craved,
Its richness seen in poetic verse, and in the child’s face.
Love will certainly in the end prevail, because our desire conveys it forth,
Like the scent of fresh cut flowers,
Love will direct us toward the source.
Love is an Angel announcing “all is not lost,”
Even though our situation, appears so doubtful and so false.
Love’s promise still holds true for those, who faithfully abide,
And cling to the One who was abused, executed, and denied.
Love is the proclamation and the prophecy of the King,
The gift to all who love Him, and His glory forever sing.