
The Great Gift: Salvation

The god of this world has deceived everyone (And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world) Rev. 12, 2 Corinthians 11:3-4, John 5:19, 1 Tim. 4:1. No single person can stand before God and declare that they “understand.” Deception is universal. No one […]


A Haven Called Heaven

Beneath the sky’s expanding pleas, A man on a dock stands by the sea. The weathered wood has memories stored, And whispers its tales of a time before. Sunset hues paint a watery face, On my canvas of warm and welcome grace. Seagulls sing, in a chorus with ease, As the man on the dock […]


A Recollection

Listening to sad music and looking back in time; it seems so long ago. With a powerful attraction and a melancholy sadness, a sorrowful spirit transported a troubled and questioning heart to a place far away. All the voices said go, “Go away to a place I will show you,” so I went. Could this […]


Desire Is Prophetic

Beneath the moon’s soft, silver glow, A soul sits on a highway, lost in woe. The desolate desert stretches far and wide, As shadows dance in the ebbing tide. The road stretches, a desolate sea, Echoing the ache of a heart’s disease. Yellow lines, like whispered pleas, Lead to horizons offering no peace. Stars above, […]


Martyrdom, A Word Christians Fear Today

You don’t have to be Catholic to be a martyr. As I was researching the subject for this article I noticed that overwhelmingly the references were to Catholic priests and saints. Let me be clear from the start, you do not have to be Catholic to be a martyr. On the contrary, the definition of […]


Christians For Violence

It is undeniable that many Christians are passionate people and uncompromising, incapable of any moderation, even toward gross violence. Confessing to follow the peaceful Lamb, they resist not the need to return harm for harm or soothe their patriotic fever to win some treasured position. For these people love is only theoretical, which they refuse […]


The Pathway to Freedom

These all died in faith, although they had not received the things that were promised. But they saw them from a distance, greeted them, and confessed that they were foreigners and temporary residents on the earth. Now those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they were thinking […]


Situational Awareness

Many years ago, before surrendering to Christ I was in the Army and spent two years in Vietnam. That war was different than previous wars because it was hard to identify the enemy. Due to that handicap situational awareness was of utmost importance. A war was being fought that we had not been prepared for, […]


Freedom in Christianity: A Misunderstood Gift

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not be encumbered once more by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 I am not surprised that in my previous articles on “Freedom,” most Christians have not understood me. I put the blame for this at the doorstep of Church […]


Christianity In Crisis:

How Christianity Has Been Affected and Changed by Historical, Theological, and Cultural Developments “Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.” Anyone who follows the evolution of art can easily see the flow over time from Ancient Art, Renaissance, Baroque, Impressionism, Expressionism, Cubism, Pop-Art, […]