Church Life End Times Christian Protestantism Religion Tony Jones Gospel Organized church Truth Doctrine false teachers prophecy Emergent discernment Uncategorized

Beware of the Leaven

We see an increase today of new ways to interpret Scripture that has saturated nearly all of Christendom. With the advent of the internet, we also see the prophecied increase in knowledge, but not all knowledge is good or Godly. Those areas of knowledge that are most dangerous are of the esoteric or cryptic kind: […]

heresy Judgment sin new age false teachers understanding Emergent Tony Jones Rick Warren Rob Bell Truth Doctrine hypocrisy Brian McLaren discernment deception church apostasy Uncategorized

Brian McLaren’s Mystery Project Out of the Bag – CANA Initiative – A Gathering of Emergents

The following article is from the Lighthouse Newsletter a highly respected and documented source for up-to-date happenings in the world of deviant Christian “orthodoxy.” If you are interested in the changing landscape of the Christian Church subscribe to their Bi-monthly printed version for only $12.00 per year and have it delivered to your home or […]

conscience Uncategorized discernment Tony Jones Homeschool Truth Government Emergent

Tony Jones Says “Death to Homeschooling!”

This article by Tony Jones caught my attention because of the title. Why would someone write an article entitled Death to Homeschooling!? The article itself simply states the reason he doesn’t send his kid to public French immersion, charter school, or private school, or homeschool; but he doesn’t condemn any of the others, only homeschool. […]

Tony Jones Doctrine false teachers humanism Emergent discernment church apostasy Uncategorized

Tony Jones A Believer????

For the life of me I cannot read anything Tony Jones has written or said without coming to the conclusion that he is an unabashed un-believer who flaunts his own intelligence as superior to God. His latest rant over at Patheos liberal blog illustrates clearly that he is a proud, boastful, un-believer. Here he takes […]