Uncategorized church cross deception discernment following christ suffering prophecy false teachers Truth war Gospel NonResistance Religion Revival persecution martyrdom

Truth and its Consequences

Are we, i.e. Christians, forever to consider with praise and respect, the technological proficiency of modern warfare, which channels the intellect to acquire the skill to murder on a mass scale? Are Christians to look with pleasure upon all the methods employed to mutilate mankind and to enable the work of destruction? Are Christian parents […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross deception discernment following christ sacrifice suffering Church Life trials prophecy Government sin false teachers faith hypocrisy Doctrine Organized church war Gospel Patriotism Catholic Politics NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism Pope martyrdom history Reformation Anabaptist

Celebrating the 500th Year of the Radical Reformation

We here at IndyWatchman are celebrating the 500th year of the Radical Reformation while others are celebrating just the regular Reformation which has given us the greater part of the apostasy we are witnessing today. While it was the Radicals who gave us “believers baptism” and “separation of Church and state” all the credit was […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross deception discernment following christ sacrifice hypocrisy Doctrine peace war Gospel NonResistance persecution Protestantism martyrdom violence Reformation

The Paralyzing Fear of Persecution

  Why is it that discernment ministries are afraid to address the topic of nonresistance even though I believe that some of them are nonresistant, at least in principle? During the Reformation there were three things that caused great distress to the Reformers Zwingli, Luther, and Calvin, and they were: 1) The separation of Church […]

Uncategorized church cross following christ suffering Government heresy faith hypocrisy Doctrine Truth Gospel Catholic Politics NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism martyrdom history violence Reformation

The Reformation???????

  This paper is a little long but I think that you will be edified and learn information that commercial Christianity does not teach or want you to know. We are taught that the Reformation was the restoration of the Church which had been polluted by the Catholics and revitalized by Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin; […]

Uncategorized church following christ sacrifice suffering peace war Gospel Patriotism NonResistance Religion persecution martyrdom

If War was Right for Christians . . . ?

Upon the news that twenty one Christians were brutally slain by ISIS I thought about Jesus on His fateful day . . . . If war were right for Christians today, it would have been right for the apostles and even Christ himself. But, blessed be God, we are not left in darkness and doubt […]