“Who hath despised the day of small things?” There is a hidden concept here, a little nugget of gold, that is huge if you can grasp it. Let our minds and our hearts open up to these words from God. “For who hath despised the day of small things?” (Zechariah 4:10). “Who is left among […]
Author: indywatchman
By now we have all heard of the great confession of Willow Creek and how they failed to accurately hear the voice of the Lord. Apparently the Lord was not informed of their having troubles with their "Seeker Sensitive" approach model, until it was too late, and things started "shifting" a bit. But, not to […]
Nov 2nd, 2007 by steve blackwell While there are many fence setters watching the progress of those acting as watchmen, exposing the apostasy that is rapidly escalating in the Church, I would like to promote Roger Oakland as someone who is on the front lines of this battle. For the majority the battle is unknown […]
When was the last time you heard someone say, “what in the world are you waiting for?” Deep down in the substrata of this little question lay the essence of all the problems that plague the Church and the world. This phrase is a test of our allegiance. Is there something that anchors you to […]
Open Letter to Pastors and Leaders Decision Time from Roger Oakland Understand The Times www.understandthetimes.org We are living in a critical time of church history. The Bible, God’s Word, is undergoing a revision that is bringing about division. The truth of God’s Word is being compromised and watered-down. Ecumenical and heretical teachings […]
Many of us have seen the change coming, in the Church, but ignored it for one reason or another. Mostly we just like going along with the flow of things and not draw fire by coming out in the open and speaking about the obvious. Once you take a stand or give your opinion on […]
First Works
When I hold the inspired Word of God along side of what I see displayed as Christianity today I don’t see a match, that is unless I look at the Pharisees, or the Sadducees. I see something different, something contrived or manufactured to represent the original; more of a simulation or replica, but not the […]
“If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier […]
Introduction Read: 1 Chronicles 29:21-22; 1 Kings 8:62-63; 2 Chronicles 4:1; 7:1, 4-5, 9; Ephesians 1:6-8; 3:17-19; 5:27. I know that much of what I write is dismissed out-of-hand and that it goes unread because of the perceived negative nature of the content. There is another side of this coin and it is magnificently positive. […]
(An Adaptation of a Message by T. Austin-Sparks) Acts 13:27 The people of Jerusalem and their rulers did not recognize Jesus, yet in condemning him they fulfilled the words of the prophets that are read every Sabbath. Hos 14:9 Who is wise? He will realize these things. Who is discerning? He will understand them. The […]