Someday soon I’ll walk this peaceful garden,
Where showers come a refreshing mist.
The animals will tread calmly beside me,
God’s hand no longer to resist.
His mood will be my temper, quiet without need,
A presence close and serious, which the heart can only see.
A nature that gives life, to all He aims to please.
His breath sustaining everything, for all eternity.
My Longing seems forever, as time slips slowly past,
But the hunger is not of this world, where the flesh seeks its rest.
Men push and heave in envy, wanting what others have,
Living for the fiction, they ignore the thing that’s best.
The valley of peace awaits all, who see beyond the veil,
Who pass the word forward and share without regret,
Who open their hand in kindness and sooth the heated brow,
And spend their days communing, with brothers in distress.
Seek not this world’s illusions and images that lie,
In ease and entertainment, and things that tempt the eye.
There’s a curtain and an angel, on duty till we die,
Then all is seen clearly, and decisions realized.
2 replies on “Someday Soon”
This is profound, Steve, and a good reminder of what Scripture teaches. I wish that I were further along the path that leads to life, but I’m trusting that He is working all things together to conform me to the image of His Son…
As I study Church history, especially the “Dark Ages” of Catholic rule, I am not surprised at the darkness of the people of that time but rather the darkness of the Church. As soon as the Anabaptist lit the lamp very many people gravitated to the light. That lamp has burned now for over 500 years and once again those who are in the Church sit in darkness. Even many Anabaptist who are now satisfied and safe sit in darkness. As I was working on this picture, taken in Zion National Park a few years back, and feeling a little aged I welcomed the time when I will see with my own eyes the mystery of this longing I have in my heart. I’m glad you enjoyed it.