
Christ’s Idea of Freedom


Freedom is an exciting concept but greatly misunderstood by today’s Christians. Twenty-four Hundred years have greatly submerged the truth beneath multiple layers of misguided human commentary and wild imaginations. The Bible is a mysterious Book and can easily be misunderstood, given the fact that man is a fallen creature having a mixture of both good and evil thoughts and hungering to know the truth. Man has gotten himself into quite a conundrum, lost in a twisted knot of information, every man believing he knows the way out of the deep dark woods. How will he ever escape? Who, or what, holds the key that opens the door? Freedom is something that mankind knows little about. He thinks that he is free, but he dares not take the time to seriously analyze the issue lest he discover the prison bars of his stupidity and ignorance. Some venture to imagine they are free as they venture through the prison courtyard planting gardens, smelling flowers, or writing poems about a mysterious world. They are confused by the thoughts and questions that plague their mind, “Am I really saved, have I done all that I can do?” “Is there still more to Do?” “Why am I here?” and “Where am I going when I die?”

In exploring the concept of freedom within Christianity, it is essential to understand the foundation upon which this idea is built. Freedom, as understood in the Christian faith, goes beyond just the absence of physical or political constraints. It delves into an ignored spiritual realm and embodies a liberation and empowerment that comes from one’s true understanding of this relationship we have with God through Christ.

The concept of freedom in Christianity is rooted, first of all, in the belief that all individuals are born confused and enslaved to sin and bondage but have been given the possibility of real understanding through acceptance of the free gift of grace through Jesus Christ. This freedom is not merely a release from external laws but a change in the way our hearts and minds allow us to live acceptable lives with God. It is a freedom that must be truly believed and taken hold of.

Throughout the history of Christianity, the understanding of freedom has changed and gone through various interpretations. From the Old Testament teachings about liberation from slavery to the New Testament messages of spiritual release from the effects of that Edenic experiment; the concept of freedom has been a central theme in Christian theology.

The Old Testament provides a historical foundation for understanding freedom through the Exodus story, where God (as Savior) leads the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt through multiple miraculous interventions. This historical event symbolizes not only worldly physical liberation, but also spiritual liberation tied to an action that comes from an understanding and relationship with God. The prophets of the Old Testament often spoke of this mysterious freedom in the context of trust, justice, liberty, righteousness, and the restoration of God’s people to a position of acceptability and Grace as in Eden before the fall.

In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is portrayed as the ultimate liberator who breaks the chains of sin and bondage to offer the gift of true freedom to all who believe in Him and His mission. In the Gospel of John, Jesus proclaims clearly, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed (John 8:36). This freedom is not the limited false freedom of earthly circumstances but extends to eternal salvation and restoration of believers to an earlier position before the sin of Eden.

The first-century Christians, such as Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna, and Clement of Rome, further developed the concept of the freedom of God’s grace and human free will. These and others emphasized the necessity of this grace, i.e., the gift of liberty, in overcoming sin and achieving true freedom, while, later, others imported and articulated a more shaded understanding of the relationship between human obedience and moral law. Thereby, future generations of Christians came to gradually misunderstand the concept of true freedom as delivered by Jesus to His Apostles.

Augustine explored freedom by delving into the worldly psychological complexities of the human condition, emphasizing the natural struggle between the flesh and the spirit. He posited that true freedom is found in aligning one’s will with the divine will, allowing God’s grace to transform and elevate human nature to acceptance by God.

Thomas Aquinas, later drawing on Aristotle’s philosophy, presented a more-worldly systematic approach to understanding freedom within the framework of man’s attraction to natural law and moral structure. According to Aquinas, human freedom is a gift from God that enables individuals to choose the good and pursue virtue by following the Divine Law.

During the Protestant Reformation, the concept of freedom and liberty was elevated somewhat and took on new dimensions as reformers like Martin Luther and John Calvin outwardly emphasized the importance of faith and grace in salvation. Luther famously asserted the doctrine of “sola fide” (faith alone), arguing that true freedom comes from trusting in God’s mercy, (not necessarily the finished work of Christ on the Cross), rather than relying on works or rituals. Neither Luther nor Calvin followed through on what they preached but constantly demanded a performance based on works.

Calvin, on the other hand, expounded on the idea of predestination, asserting that God’s sovereign will, alone, determines the fate of individuals and that the individual was not involved at all regardless of their works. While Calvin’s teachings sparked many debates about the nature of freedom and man’s responsibility, they also underscored the need for humility and dependence on God’s providence.

Throughout the history of Christianity, the simple concept of freedom has been entangled with debates about predestination, free will, and the nature of divine sovereignty. Different theological traditions, such as Calvinism, Arminianism, Anabaptism, and Catholicism, have offered distinct perspectives on how freedom and divine providence cross and cooperate in the life of believers.

In our day, creative Christian thinkers continue to engage with the concept of freedom in response to contemporary issues such as salvation, works of social justice, and the impact of secularism in the life of the Church. The teachings of Jesus concerning our motivation to love, forgive, and serve others are often cited more as legal principles promoting freedom and love that are no different than the freedom and liberty cited in any human legal document.

The concept of freedom in Christianity ends up being no different than the multifaceted theme that encompasses both personal liberation under the “Constitution” and social justice in the broader community. Real Christian freedom is a dynamic and living concept, instituted by God, that inspires believers to understand and hold tightly their freedom in Christ continually and to boldly lift high this bright torch in an increasingly dark world.

Biblical Roots of Freedom: The Old Testament Perspective

In the Old Testament, the concept of freedom is deeply intertwined with the history and religious beliefs of the ancient Israelites. The Hebrew Scriptures, comprised of books such as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, provide a foundational understanding of freedom shrouded in the context of God’s covenant with His chosen people.

One of the earliest illustrations of freedom in the Old Testament is seen in the story of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt. The Israelites, led by Moses, were enslaved by the Egyptians for many years. God heard their cries for deliverance and intervened with miraculous signs and wonders, culminating in the liberation of the Israelites from bondage. This event sets the stage for our understanding of God’s intention and power to set His people free from oppression and captivity.

The Ten Commandments, given to Moses on Mount Sinai, play a significant role in shaping the Israelites’ understanding of freedom. These commandments outline moral and ethical principles that are meant to guide the behavior of God’s people. By following these “laws,” the Israelites were not only demonstrating their obedience to God but also the effect on humans when forced to live in a harmonious and just society where freedom is preserved and upheld by the force and influence of command and punishment.

Throughout the Old Testament, freedom was frequently linked to mandatory obedience to laws and commandments. The lesson of freedom in the Hebrew Scriptures is not just about being free from the physical bondage of outward circumstances but also about how to live in correct alignment with God’s will in a fallen world. This union of freedom and understanding is meant to reveal the hidden gift that true liberty is discovered and received in service and worship of the one true God through His Son Jesus.

The Old Testament also teaches that the gift of freedom comes with rules and responsibilities. The Israelites were called to be a holy nation, set apart for God’s purposes. To them, this meant obeying God’s strict laws, acting as policemen to uphold justice, and caring for the neglected and vulnerable in society. The unrecognized goal of religiously imposed freedom in the Old Testament was grounded in the underlying desire for true freedom within the forced communal life of God’s people.

Moreover, the theme of freedom in the Old Testament is methodically connected to the idea of redemption. The Israelites’ liberation from slavery in Egypt serves as a foreshadowing of a greater redemptive plan that God has for His people. Through the prophets and messianic prophecies, the Old Testament points towards a future Savior who would bring true ultimate freedom and release from enslavement to laws to those who grasp and assimilate into their fleshly natures the real definition of freedom.

The stories of individual figures such as Joseph, David, and Esther also contribute to the complex tapestry of freedom in the Old Testament. These characters faced their own trials and challenges to showcase different aspects of freedom including personal implementation, courage in the face of adversity, affliction, victimization, and the ability to overcome these obstacles through genuine faith and trust in the living God. The primary example, for myself, was David, whose life was filled with killing, lust, adultery, anger, and other things exemplifying the flesh, yet God accepted David and rejected very many others whose lives appeared outwardly to be better. David was faithful to the visions he received and accepted the freedom that those visions bestowed on him. He was a truly free man not bound by circumstances or legalistic restrictions that regulated mere religious men.

In simple terms, the Old Testament provides a rich tapestry of stories and teachings that present the multifaceted nature of true freedom in the Judeo-Christian tradition. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of freedom and liberty through voluntary faith and obedience, justice, redemption, and personal surrender, painting a complete picture of what it means to live as a free person in a loving relationship with God and one another.

The Message of Liberation in the New Testament

In the New Testament, the concept of liberation and freedom is a central theme that runs like a thread through the teachings of Jesus and the writings of the apostles. Jesus’s ministry was characterized by a message of liberation from sin, oppression, and bondage. His words and actions emphasized not only individual salvation but also a vision of personal and societal transformation rooted in the dispensing of justice and compassion unknown to the world.

Jesus’s proclamation of good news to the poor, freedom for the prisoners, and recovery of sight for the blind reflected a correct understanding of liberation. He challenged the religious and political systems of his time, advocating for the downtrodden, exploited, and defeated, embodying an extreme inclusivity that broke down barriers of social status and ethnicity. Through his teachings and miracles, Jesus revealed a vision of a new way of living in harmony and true freedom, rooted in generous love and service to others.

The apostle Paul, a prominent figure in early Christianity, heavily stressed the theme of liberation in his letters to the diverse communities of believers across the Roman Empire. He emphasized the transformative power of faith in Christ, which set individuals free from the bondage of the Law, sin, and death. Paul’s theology of liberation underscored the radical equality of all believers before God, transcending social distinctions and hierarchies.

The implications of liberation in the New Testament extend beyond personal salvation to encompass a vision of a world unrestrained by legalistic hate or barriers to freedom and liberty. To the uninformed, these liberated ones were considered lawless and dangerous. The early Christians, inspired by the teachings of Jesus and the apostles, actively and deliberately engaged in acts of unrepressed compassion, liberation for the oppressed, and communal sharing of resources. The book of Acts portrays a community shaped by the liberating power of the Holy Spirit, engaging in acts of oneness and resistance against spiritual evil.

The message of liberty in the New Testament challenges followers of Christ to embody the values of love, justice, and reconciliation in a world marked by sharp divisions and inequalities. It calls believers to confront oppression, advocate for the poor and disinherited, and work towards a gathering where all are free to flourish and participate fully in the life of the community. The ultimate goal of liberation in the New Testament is the restoration of men and women to their original harmony and wholeness, a vision of shalom, (peace) that is a reflection of God’s eternal reign of justice, liberty, and harmony.

Early Christian Views on Freedom and Liberty

In the early years of Christianity, the concept of freedom held deep significance for believers as they navigated a world filled with political, social, and religious challenges. The teachings of Jesus and the writings of the apostles served as guiding principles that shaped how early Christians understood and lived out the idea of freedom.

At the core of early Christian beliefs was the definition and understanding that true freedom could only be found in Christ. By accepting Jesus as their savior and following his teachings, believers believed they could experience liberation from the shackles of sin and society and the entanglements of worldly desires. This spiritual freedom was transformative and dangerous, offering a sense of inner peace and fulfillment that transcended mere worldly concerns. This new identity made Christians targets as anarchists and troublemakers.

The early Christians saw themselves as citizens of a completely different kingdom, called to live in the world but not of the world. This perspective on freedom empowered them to resist conformity to unbiblical societal norms that contradicted their ideas of freedom and values. Their commitment to Christ’s teachings often placed them at odds with the prevailing culture, leading to persecution and hardship. Yet, in the face of adversity, they remained steadfast in their conviction that true freedom was found in living out their faith realistically and fearlessly.

Moreover, the early Christian community’s understanding of freedom emphasized unity amidst diversity. They believed that through their shared faith in Christ, believers were bound together as one body, irrespective of differences in location, background, status, or ethnicity. This unity provided a source of strength and solidarity, enabling them to support one another in times of need and to bear witness to the transformative power of love and grace.

In addition to true personal liberation, early Christians viewed their freedom as a commission to stand against evil and for Divine justice and compassion. They took to heart Jesus’s teachings on caring for the poor and oppressed, recognizing that true freedom entailed standing up against evil and working towards a more compassionate world whenever possible. Their commitment to truth and Divine justice was a natural outgrowth of their faith, as they sought to embody the principles of mutual love, mercy, and righteousness exemplified by Christ.

The early Christians’ understanding of freedom was deeply intertwined with their spiritual framework. They believed that true freedom was not simply about continual personal independence but about being in the right relationship with God and others. This relational aspect of freedom guided their interactions within the community and the broader society, leading them to freely love, freely forgive, and be reconciled in all their dealings with others.

Furthermore, early Christians viewed freedom as a gift that comes with a responsibility. They understood that the freedom they had in Christ was not meant for self-indulgence but for service and stewardship. Believers were called to use their freedom as strength to live out their faith boldly, to share the message of salvation with others, to offer this free gift to all, and to engage in sincere acts of peace, mercy, and compassion, towards the needy.

In essence, early Christian views on freedom were multifaceted, encompassing spiritual, communal, ethical, and social dimensions. Their understanding of freedom as liberation in Christ, unity in diversity, pleading for truth in justice, and responsible stewardship of God’s gifts shaped how they lived out their freedom and faith in a world that often stood in stark opposition to their beliefs. By embracing this full and true view of freedom, early Christians sought to personify the transformative power of love, grace, and truth in their daily lives, striving to be true witnesses of the wonderful freedom found in following Christ.

Modern Christian Perspectives on Freedom

In modern Christianity, the concept of Biblical freedom is misunderstood and confusing and a deeply shaded topic interpreted in diverse ways by different denominations and theological perspectives. The true understanding of freedom in the Christian faith extends beyond simple individual freedom to encompass a profound sense of unrestricted spiritual liberation and ethical responsibility unlike that enjoyed under our American Government which is restricted and not real “freedom.”

One prevalent, distorted perspective within modern Christian thought is rooted in the concept of Liberation Theology, which emphasizes the interconnectedness of faith and social justice. This perspective sees freedom not only as individual salvation from sin but also as a collective liberation from worldly injustices and oppression. Drawing its inspiration from the biblical narratives of liberation and deliverance, proponents of liberation theology argue that true freedom is realized when individuals and communities get combative and are empowered to stress individual human dignity and equality.

On a more positive note, the idea of freedom in Christianity is intricately linked to the notion of grace (meaning gift) and redemption. Central to Christian teachings is the belief that through the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, humanity has been offered the gift of salvation, freedom, and reconciliation with their Creator. This understanding of freedom emphasizes the transformative power of the gift in overcoming sin and restoring the broken relationship between men and their God.

Moreover, the Christian tradition also stresses the concept of stewardship and responsibility for freedom. Followers of Christ are called to freely exercise their liberty in a way that displays their Father’s love and justice in the world. This includes concern and caring for the environment, caring for the poor, and promoting God’s peace and plan for reconciliation in a broken and divided world.

In modern worldly society, where debates on freedom often revolve around individual rights and independence, Christians face the challenge of engaging with these issues from a perspective of true freedom, unwavering trust, and spiritual understanding. The Christian understanding of freedom invites believers to seek an understanding of the difference between true freedom and national allegiance, recognizing that true freedom is not displayed in selfish personal pursuits but in selfless love and service to others. This responsibility can be likened to a military recruit entering battle against a sworn enemy; his loyalty and duty is to his country and its Commander-in-Chief. Likewise, the Christian has his sworn duty to perform.

The complexity and confusion of freedom in Christianity can be exemplified by the diverse interpretations within different theological traditions. For example, in the Catholic tradition, freedom is mostly defined concerning the concept of the “common good,” emphasizing a priority of contributing to the well-being of society as a whole through the redistribution of goods by the Church. Catholic social teaching underscores the idea that true freedom is not simply the ability to do as one pleases but the responsibility to perform according to approved moral principles and the common good as defined by a man.

On the other hand, Protestant perspectives on freedom focus more on the idea of individual liberty and personal relationship with God. The Protestant Reformation, with its emphasis on personal faith and direct connection to God, has shaped how many Protestant Christians understand freedom as the ability to freely choose to follow Christ and live out one’s faith without undue constraints from external authorities, yet they will, nearly all, concede that they are subject to governing law both civil and religious.

Overall, the modern Christian understanding of freedom is a patchwork of various Biblical and nonbiblical understandings, theological reflections, and common experiences of life, in a complex and ever-changing world. It challenges believers to symbolize the values of compassion, justice, and responsibility in their pursuit of freedom, recognizing that Christian liberation is not about absolute personal freedom but rather about collective religious ideas and the rationalization that God is in heaven and men are on earth.

Unveiling the Hidden Messages of Jesus on Freedom

Through exploring the hidden messages of Jesus on freedom, it becomes apparent that His teachings go beyond man’s surface understanding of liberty as simply a free day in the prison courtyard. Jesus’s message emphasizes a much deeper, spiritual freedom that transcends all limitations of what we presently apprehend and reflects a profound liberation and freeing of the spirit.

Throughout his ministry, Jesus spoke extensively, in disguised terms, about the concept of this freedom, often in parables and teachings that challenged societal and religious norms and beliefs. One of the central themes in his message was the idea of freedom from sin and spiritual bondage. He emphasized the importance of inner change and understanding as the path to breaking the shackles of mankind’s slavery and embracing true freedom, rather than the superficial adherence to religious laws and pretend words professing liberty within a religious society.

Jesus’s radical teachings on freedom challenged the confining and oppressive structures of his time, advocating for true justice and liberation available for all people. In his interactions with the poor and oppressed individuals, Jesus demonstrated profound compassion and a fierce commitment to expose the narrow path of liberty and freedom by demolishing societal and religious barriers that hindered true freedom, not only from diseases of the flesh but from spiritual diseases.

The idea of freedom through self-sacrifice, love, and service to others was at the core of Jesus’s message. He taught his followers to deliberately love their neighbors as themselves and to show compassion and kindness to those in need. By emphasizing selfless acts of service and a heart of generosity, Jesus exposed that true freedom could be internalized through humility and focus away from self and onto the spiritual well-being of others.

Moreover, Jesus’s call to discipleship and submission to God’s will revealed a hidden benefit of freedom. In surrendering one’s desires and ambitions to God, individuals will, consequently, discover a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment that overrides mere worldly pleasures. This radical form of freedom, rooted in simple obedience to God and sacrificial love for our neighbor, points to a hidden reality beyond the confines of our limited understanding.

In unveiling the hidden messages of Jesus on freedom, we come to understand that true liberation is not simply about breaking free from the external chains of the world but about reaching out and embracing a creative journey of rebirth, compassionate service, and surrender to a gracious Father. Jesus’s teachings are a challenge to us to go beyond a confined view of freedom and to embrace a profound and all-inclusive vision of liberty for the soul, that prepares us for a wonderful future.

But there is even more to freedom, which includes freedom from fear and anxiety, which is rooted in the ignorance of true truth. He repeatedly urged his followers not to worry about their lives, emphasizing the freedom to actually trust in God’s provision and care. This message of freedom from fear speaks to a deeper truth about finding peace and contentment in one’s relationship with their Father, transcending the worries and concerns of the material world. On the seventh day of creation, God rested, and He still rests. We now live in the prolonged seventh day of creation which is our own time to rest from our own works, just as He is doing.

Jesus’s actions and words consistently emphasized radical inclusivity and acceptance, challenging the cultural norms and prejudices of his time. His interactions with outcasts, sinners, and those deemed unworthy by society exemplified a revolutionary vision of freedom that bypassed all social boundaries and embraced all people as beloved children of God. This misunderstood message of radical inclusivity has inspired other movements for social justice and equality today, reminding us, again, of the shallow understanding of both mankind and the Church as a whole. Yes, they do have the power to modify actions in the world, which is only a psychological imitation of the actual metamorphosis of Christ, rooted in authentic love and compassion.

The hidden messages of Jesus on freedom invite us to journey beyond the superficial constraints of this world and into a much deeper, expanded, and more profound, understanding of liberation and freedom for the Christian. By embracing this miraculous spiritual transformation, selfless service, and true trust in God’s providence, we can experience the flowering freedom that transcends earthly limitations and opens our hearts to a higher reality of love, justice, and peace, that passes knowledge.

The Distortion of Christian Freedom by Constantine

During the rule of Emperor Constantine in the early 4th century, Christianity underwent significant changes that had a prolonged and sorrowful impact on the true faith that was once delivered unto the saints. Constantine’s conversion to Christianity and subsequent conquering of the religion marked a profound turning point in its history. While many saw Constantine’s embrace of Christianity as a positive development, primarily the Catholic Church, others, rightly, viewed it as a distortion of the true essence of the faith.

One of the key ways in which Constantine perverted the Christian faith was by merging it with the power and authority of the Roman Empire. As a politician, Constantine saw Christianity as a way to unify his declining empire and strengthen his rule. He called for the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. to address theological disputes within the church, but also to establish a unified doctrine that would support his political goals. The resulting Nicene Creed became the official statement of faith for the church, reflecting Constantine’s desire for uniformity and control. Constantine was a very smart politician and Christianity was only a tool that he used effectively.

Constantine’s dismissal of paganism and his alliance with Christianity also led to the politicization of the Church. Clergy members, who still bore the scars of former persecution, were now given positions of power and influence within the empire, further blurring the lines between spiritual and secular authority. This integration of church and state led to a decrease in the Church’s freedom and a shift in focus from spiritual matters to political concerns.

Constantine’s social control of the church resulted in the accumulation of wealth and material possessions by the clergy. The once humble and persecuted followers of Christ now found themselves living in opulence and luxury, straying far from the teachings of Jesus on simplicity and humility. This accumulation of wealth and power within the church hierarchy laid the groundwork for progressive corruption and abuses of authority in the centuries to come. This corruption in the lifestyle of the clergy also was the redefinition of freedom and liberty.

Constantine’s influence on Christianity also extended to how the faith was practiced. He introduced imperial pomp and ceremony into religious rituals, transforming the simple and communal gatherings of early Christians into elaborate and hierarchical liturgies. The focus shifted from personal connection with God to outward displays of power and grandeur, with rituals and ceremonies becoming more elaborate and distant from the simplicity of the early church. Consequently, freedom and liberty became just more useless religious terms.

Constantine’s elevation of Christianity to the state religion had a profound impact on true religious freedom. While it brought an end to the persecution of Christians, it also repressed other conflicting Christian beliefs and imposed Rome’s particular brand of Christianity as the dominant belief system. This shift in religious dynamics laid the groundwork for centuries of religious conflict and intolerance, as true Christian beliefs were suppressed and persecuted in the name of the state-approved religion.

The imperial support of Christianity led to the rise of the concept of “Christendom,” a popular term used to describe the alliance between the church and the state in promoting and defending the false Christian faith. This alliance wielded significant power and influence over both religious and political spheres, shaping the course of history in ways that continue to resonate even today. The intertwining of religious and political power created a complex relationship that had far-reaching consequences for the birth and development of Western civilization.

Constantine’s impact on Christianity cannot be understated. While his support of the faith brought it out of the shadows and onto centerstage, it also led to a distortion of core values and fundamental principles. The merging of church and state, the elevation of clergy to positions of power, the accumulation of wealth, and the transformation of religious practices all contributed to a complex legacy that continues to shape the Christian tradition. Believers must reflect on this history and strive to uphold the true teachings of Christ, free from the trappings of power and materialism. The legacy of Constantine’s influence on Christianity serves as a reminder of the complexities and challenges that arise when religion and politics intertwine, calling for vigilance and discernment in navigating the relationship between faith and power. At this point in history, Christianity underwent a deep and debilitating change, for 1200 years, from which relatively few true believers have survived.

The Legacy of Constantine’s Influence on Christianity

One of the early, noteworthy, and significant outcomes of Constantine’s conversion was the Edict of Milan in 313 A.D., which granted religious tolerance to Christians and effectively put an end to the brutal persecutions they had endured for centuries. This newfound idea of political freedom allowed the Christian community to grow and prosper under peaceful terms, leading to the construction of large and elaborate Churches and the spread of a new kind of faith throughout the empire. Constantine’s patronage of the Christian Church also resulted in the elevation of clergy to positions of power and influence, further solidifying Christianity’s new place in the Roman world. What, once, was a persecuted Church had now become the persecutor of true believers.

Constantine’s conversion to Christianity and his subsequent influence on the Roman Empire and the Christian Church continue to be subjects of scholarly debate and fascination. His reign marked a pivotal moment in the history of Christianity, as the once-persecuted majority was transformed into the officially sanctioned Church of the entire Roman Empire. While Constantine’s actions had both positive and negative consequences for Christianity, they undeniably shaped the course of the religion for centuries to come. Although the persecution of the true saints, during the Constantine period of cleansing, was not an entirely negative thing, the enormous amount of blood spilled cannot be discounted. This was a time of testing and purification for the true Church. Most of Constantine’s world had now been purged of true Christianity. Authentic Christians had been hunted down, killed, and scattered, leaving the true Church smaller but purer, infused with the Holy seed of Truth. What remained in Rome was a manmade synthetic perversion, yet it ruled supreme in the world.

In addition, Constantine, not a true verified convert to Christianity nonetheless involved himself in ecclesiastical matters, such as convening the First Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D., which had a continuing impact on the development of Christian theology. The council aimed to address theological controversies, particularly the Arian controversy regarding the nature of Christ’s divinity. The Nicene Creed, formulated during this council, established the “orthodox” Christian belief in the Trinity and the divinity of Jesus Christ, setting up a tripping stone for future theological developments in the Church.

Constantine’s embrace of Christianity brought about some notable negative consequences. By intertwining politics and religion, Constantine blurred the boundaries between the spiritual and secular realms, laying the groundwork for centuries of church-state interaction and conflict. Also, the merging of Christian beliefs with Roman pagan holidays, practices, and traditions, led to a further dilution of the faith’s original message and the creation of a syncretic fusion of Christianity that incorporated elements outside of its scriptural teachings, which is typical of Catholicism and even significant portions of Protestant denominations today.

Constantine’s eventual conversion to Christianity was not a “born again” experience, and many modern scholars question the depth of his religious convictions. Some argue that Constantine’s embrace of Christianity was politically motivated, as he saw in the growing Christian community a potential source of unity and support for his rule. This “Imperial Decree” approach to religion raises serious questions about the sincerity of Constantine’s conversion and the extent to which he truly understood and internalized the teachings of the Christian faith.

Despite these complexities, Constantine’s impact on Christianity was huge and cannot be overstated. His conversion and subsequent actions played a crucial role in shaping the early and later Christian Church and its relationship with the state, setting a precedent for the interplay between religion and politics that continues to resonate in contemporary society and American politics. By examining the multifaceted legacy of Constantine, we gain insight into the intricate historical forces that shaped the development of Christianity and its enduring relevance in the modern world.

Reclaiming the True Meaning of Freedom in Christ

As a persistent writer and lay critic, my understanding of the concept of freedom in Christ is deeply rooted in the intricate relationship between faith, grace, peace, liberty, and divine purpose. The true essence of freedom in Christianity transcends mere human understanding and delves into the profound mysteries of God’s love and redemptive process. A casual reading of Scripture will not reveal the magnified mysteries captive within the pages of the Old and New Testaments.

At the core of Christianity lies the belief that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth to offer Himself as a perfect sacrifice for the sins of humanity and to facilitate a re-connection between men and God through His own death. Through His death and resurrection, He opened a path to eternal freedom for all who believe in Him. This freedom is not a fleeting sensation but a change in reality that affects every aspect of a believer’s new life.

To correctly grasp the depth of true freedom in Christ, one must first acknowledge and understand the nature and existence of sin with its devastating effects on the human soul, and man’s inability to reason correctly. Sin enslaves, corrupts, separates, and confuses, our ability to reason properly, and distorts our true identity as children of God. It is through accepting the saving grace (gift) of Jesus Christ that we are set free from the bondage of sin and restored to an open unobstructed relationship with our Father through Christ, God’s Son.

The journey to freedom in Christ is not only a solitary road but is also a communal experience shared and encouraged by all believers who walk in living faith, freedom, and voluntary obedience. The body of Christ, the Church, serves as a support system and a source of encouragement for those seeking to live out their newfound experience of freedom in Christ. This unity in the body reflects the profound interconnectedness of all believers in Christ and punctuates the shared mission of spreading the message of salvation and freedom to the ends of the earth.

The freedom found in Christ is not a license to indulge in selfish desires or pursue worldly pleasures as some suppose. Rather, it is a call to live a free life of holiness, righteousness, and love, reflecting the character and liberty of Christ in all that we do. This transformational process is guided by the Holy Spirit, who empowers and equips believers to live victoriously in a fallen world.

As believers embrace their freedom in Christ, they are called to be ambassadors of this wonderful reconciliation, a sweet-smelling savor, a shining light of freedom in a dark and broken world. The true freedom found in Christ is a beacon of hope, a source of strength, and an anchor of unwavering faith amid life’s storms. It is a freedom that surpasses all understanding and transcends earthly limitations, offering a glimpse of eternal glory, even now, that also awaits everyone who places their trust in Jesus Christ.

The true nature of freedom in Christ is a divine gift of a precious inheritance and a transformed reality that shapes our present and secures our future. We are commissioned to explore the depths of this freedom, to walk in its truth, and to share its infinite blessings with a world in desperate need of redemption and restoration.

Living Out Christ’s Idea of Freedom in Today’s World

In today’s world, the concept of freedom is complex, misunderstood, and multifaceted. As a Christian, living out Christ’s idea of freedom involves more than just individual liberties and personal rights. It is about embracing a profound sense of spiritual liberation that comes from knowing and following Christ.

Living out Christ’s idea of freedom means understanding that true freedom is not simply the ability to do whatever we want, but rather the power and ability to live in correct alignment with God’s will and revealed purpose. This kind of freedom has its roots in surrendering our desires and submitting to Christ’s guidance and direction. The Old Testament has a story of a slave who had served his time dutifully and was released by his master. Upon release, the now-free slave was sad that he had to leave the kind master and requested to stay and serve him forever. Upon his request, he was taken to the doorpost of the house, and a nail was driven through the lobe of his ear. This mark was a sign to the whole world that he had willingly become the forever-slave of his kind and loving master.  Can this be called slavery?

Practically speaking, living out Christ’s idea of freedom means embodying the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. It means living a life of integrity and compassion, seeking justice and mercy for others, and extending grace and forgiveness even when undeserved. This person wants the whole world to know the Master he serves and desires that others seek Him out also.

In a world that often prioritizes individualism and self-interest, living out Christ’s idea of freedom is countercultural and appears to others as anarchy and rebellion. It means resisting the temptation to conform to the standards set by the world and instead, choosing to live a life that reflects the values and teachings of Jesus.

Living out Christ’s idea of freedom also involves being a light in a world filled with darkness. It means shining the light of truth and love, offering freedom, hope, and redemption to those who are lost and broken. It means standing up for true justice and righteousness, even when it is unpopular or inconvenient.

Ultimately, living out Christ’s idea of freedom is a daily choice and a lifelong journey. It requires humility, faith, and courage to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, trusting in His promises and following His example. By embodying the true hidden essence of freedom found in Christ, we become beacons of love, liberty, and light in a world of bondage that is desperate for hope and healing.

Understanding the depths of Christ’s freedom entails acute awareness of the spiritual warfare taking place in the unseen realms. The Bible teaches us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, living out Christ’s freedom involves putting on the full armor of God, standing firm in faith, wielding the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and entering the battle alongside Angels.

Christ’s freedom is powerful. It is not just about individual salvation but about spiritual war, helping to restore others to their original state of harmony and peace, regardless that it may seem impossible. This means working towards the reconciliation of all things in Christ, bringing healing to broken relationships, communities, and nations, when possible.

Christ’s offer of freedom is inclusive and expansive. It transcends cultural, social, political, and economic barriers, inviting people of every nation, tribe, and tongue to experience the true liberty that comes from knowing and following Jesus. It is a freedom that destroys walls of division and unites people for a common purpose of love and service.

Living out Christ’s idea of freedom requires a steadfast exercise of prayer, withdrawal from the world, study of Scripture, fellowship with other true believers, and active engagement in service to our King. It is a journey of continuous growth, victory, and progress, as we conform more and more to the image of Christ.

In conclusion, living out Christ’s idea of freedom is a radical earth-shaking transformation of life that goes beyond mere human understanding and ability. It is a journey of real faith, hope, and true love, guided by the Spirit of God and grounded in the understanding of the absolute truth of Christ’s teachings.

May we all strive to walk in the fullness of Christ’s freedom and liberty, shining brightly as witnesses of His wonderful gift of grace and freedom to a world in desperate need of Truth and Love.

Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus

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