Uncategorized adversity church cross following christ sacrifice suffering troubles

Supposition on Sovereignty

The thoughts below were originally the thoughts of T. Austin Sparks. I have taken the liberty to rewrite them in my own words. Suppose for a minute that God has in His mind a purpose, complete in every detail, for creating the human race. Suppose that God choose man to be a unique vehicle for […]

Uncategorized apostasy church discernment Emergent false prophets following christ humanism sacrifice suffering

Are Today’s Christians Honest?

Honesty as a Christian virtue does not exist in its virgin form today. Hear me out and I think you will agree. Honesty has several different aspects. When we generally speak of honesty we think of it as an outward manifestation toward other people. This aspect of being honest, although under severe attack through the […]

Uncategorized adversity apostasy church cross discernment following christ humanism offense suffering troubles

Advice To Church Planters In The Age Of Bigness

“Who hath despised the day of small things?” There is a hidden concept here, a little nugget of gold, that is huge if you can grasp it. Let our minds and our hearts open up to these words from God. “For who hath despised the day of small things?” (Zechariah 4:10). “Who is left among […]

apostasy church discernment false prophets following christ humanism offense Research and Discernment sacrifice suffering troubles Willow Creek

Willow Creek Confession: The Signature of a False Prophet

By now we have all heard of the great confession of Willow Creek and how they failed to accurately hear the voice of the Lord. Apparently the Lord was not informed of their having troubles with their "Seeker Sensitive" approach model, until it was too late, and things started "shifting" a bit. But, not to […]

adversity apostasy discernment false prophets suffering troubles

An Open Letter to Eagle Church

Initial Contact with Kerry Bowman Head Pastor of Eagle Church Kerry, I have become very disappointed in the path the Church is taking. I especially am upset with the way you openly link arms with the world in this leadership simulcast thing. What advise can the world give the Lord’s people on how to conduct […]