Introduction Def: A paradox is a logically self-contradictory statement or a statement that runs contrary to one’s expectation. As I sit outside reading and thinking, I look up and see a jet-passenger plane, probably full of people, flying away to the North. They are enjoying their freedom to travel. But how does this freedom relate to the […]
Category: Uncategorized
Preface I don’t get a lot of responses to my articles, but I am not discouraged. Some do not respond because they do not agree with my point of view, and that is okay. Others do not respond because they do not want to be associated with the severity and consequences of truth. Then there […]
A Harvest of Death
A gallant form is passing by,The plume bends o’er his lordly brow;A thousand tongues have raised on highHis song of triumph now.Young knees are bending round his way,And age makes bare his locks of gray. Fair forms have lent their gladdest smile;White hands have waved the conqueror on,And flowers have decked his path the whileBy […]
The Mutation of Christianity
When the Church recognizes the state and enters the domain of politics, it has, in effect, given aid and comfort to the enemy, a hideous distortion after the likeness of a man, a monster. In this activity, man has committed a treasonable act of rebellion against the One it professes to serve and annuls the […]
The Church In or Of the World?
I have had a couple of conversations with another Christian concerning the purpose of the Church, either as an independent body of believers separated from the world, or as citizens of the world popularizing religion and sanctioning its military and government activities. The Biblical idea of Christian separation from the world was established in the […]
Crystallization is a fascinating phenomenon when found in nature. Often, we perceive it as captivating and special – something inherently “good,” like salt, sugar, snowflakes, or quartz. Crystallization is the process through which a solid is created or how our thoughts become solidified and organized into personal opinions and beliefs. This process can occur not […]
An Old Gray Cat
Something a little different. This is our old Gray Girl who has been with me and mom for many years. She doesn’t get around so well anymore, so this is our tribute to all the affection she has blessed us with. She’s just a cat to most people, but she’s so much more to us.
Spin Doctors and Christianity
In terms of Christianity, can we fairly say it employs the same propaganda tactics seen throughout various aspects of society? Should the approach to sharing the Gospel deviate from this phenomenon? Let’s face it – “spin doctors” are everywhere, from TV news broadcasts and radio shows to newspapers and the internet. We’ve witnessed the government […]
The Wall of Separation
Mankind has been conditioned and indoctrinated, led by the Pied Piper of this world, to respond in certain prescribed ways to words and symbols, and to surrender when compelled. They have become so accustomed to the many lures that the hook through their lip is easily tolerated. Men are accustomed, through prior elementary methods, to […]
Should We Consider Preterism?
For me there is a military aspect to the Christian life. We are not only to desire and patiently await our Lord’s return, but we are also called to engage the enemy and to save or rescue others who are caught in the Devil’s web of lies and confusion which are blinding mankind. One of […]