Author: indywatchman
A Foreign Gospel
Beauty in A Weed
The weed is a wild, untamed thing,With no redeemable worth,Growing in forgotten places,On the fringes of the earth.Your form is unconventional,And your colors unrefined,But there’s a weird attraction,To your risky, course design.You bloom where there is no notice,In the cracks and in the dust,Promoting sin’s defiance,And the power of this world’s trust.While you secretly seek […]
Anabaptists and Anti-Semitism
In my quest for truth over the years I have frequented various Churches and associated with those of different belief systems. I have gradually gravitated towards the Anabaptists because of their sacred history and persecution. I suppose that I fell more in love with their history than I have with the present-day Anabaptists who appear […]
Satan’s Sweet Song of Seduction
from Milton’s Paradise Lost “Nor more; but fled Murmuring, and with him fled the shades of night.” Close at mine ear one call’d me forth to walkWith gentle voice, I thought it thine; it said,Why sleepst thou Eve? now is the pleasant time,The cool, the silent, save where silence yieldsTo the night-warbling Bird, that now awakeTunes sweetest his love-labor’d song; now reignesFull Orb’d the Moon, and […]
It is very common for Christians to believe that God accepts them because of their righteousness of works and good deeds. Consequently, new Christians are taught or led to believe that they “must” do good deeds to be accepted by God, but is this correct? God accepts us despite our inability to satisfy His righteous […]
Christian Freedom, A Pretext?
Christian Freedom, A Pretext? What is a pretext? A pretext is an accepted reason (a lie or trick) given to justify a course of action that is not the real reason. Freedom, as commonly defined by both the Church and the world, is, by definition, not freedom at all, but rather a pretext. As many […]
The Great Gift: Salvation
The god of this world has deceived everyone (And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world) Rev. 12, 2 Corinthians 11:3-4, John 5:19, 1 Tim. 4:1. No single person can stand before God and declare that they “understand.” Deception is universal. No one […]
A Haven Called Heaven
Beneath the sky’s expanding pleas, A man on a dock stands by the sea. The weathered wood has memories stored, And whispers its tales of a time before. Sunset hues paint a watery face, On my canvas of warm and welcome grace. Seagulls sing, in a chorus with ease, As the man on the dock […]