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The Dirty Little SECRET that Christians do not want to Acknowledge

What could that secret be? Well, it isn’t really a secret and can be seen openly in their conversations and even taught in their Churches, and celebrated each year with great fanfare, fireworks, and parades on The 4th of July. The secret is that they do not really love their enemies as prescribed by Jesus, […]

Uncategorized church cross discernment following christ sacrifice suffering troubles Church Life false teachers faith Truth Organized church peace Gospel Patriotism Politics NonResistance Religion persecution martyrdom violence Anabaptist Christian

The End and the Means

“Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?” Lk. 18:8 As we see the storm clouds approaching and time drawing to an end, verses like the one above should get our undivided attention. When we reflect on the necessity of our Christian behavior and action in the world, and the […]

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The Non-Resistance Controversy

This controversy did not start here and will no doubt end only at the coming of the Lord. Having said that, there are some points that need to be considered. The first major error is to use the O.T. to interpret the N.T. and the second mistake is to follow conventional wisdom. Conventional wisdom will […]

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Know the Truth About War, Violence, and Self-Defense!

  The study of “right and wrong” or ethics is very important but ethics do not exhaust the full contents of what Christianity is. Ethics are concerned with the practical conduct of human life so, it is natural that curious Christian minds should have carefully investigated these rules and behavior. Also, when we find that […]

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The Demon of Discontentment

The demonic spirit of war is in direct opposition to that of Christianity. War and violence destroy what Christ creates, and creates what Christ destroys. Misery and woe to the peaceful and gentle religion of Jesus when the demon of war, hatred, and violence rides through the land on his inflamed stallion. It is unknown to […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment following christ sacrifice suffering Church Life false teachers faith hypocrisy Doctrine Truth war Gospel Justice NonResistance Religion violence

Another Word on Violence

I have had the opportunity to speak on the topic of violence the last couple of Sundays. I endeavored to communicate that as far as the listeners sympathized with the spirit of violence that there exist a fault in their understanding of Christ’s mission and spirit. Violence is the same as committing murder. This idea […]

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  Violence  A View From the Wall Introduction Can anyone read the news and not come across a headline that announces some act of violence somewhere in the world. Whether conflict between nations, civil wars, terrorism, or some mixture of both, the twenty-first century has seen no decrease in war, terrorism, and bloodshed. Why is […]

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VIOLENCE! The primary Christian message in any age should be to respond to those things that are paramount at that particular time. In this era, that thing which is topmost, is violence: family violence, national violence, violence against the unborn, racial violence, and religious violence. The truth is that unregenerate man loves violence, his books, […]

Uncategorized apostasy conscience deception discernment following christ humanism Church Life prophecy Government sin faith Truth war Gospel Patriotism NonResistance

Violence and the Christian Heart

Violence is an issue that has created quite a lot of heat, but very little light amongst Christians. There is uncertainty and uneasiness when the question is brought up, and nearly always ends in a great display of patriotic fervor, excessive loyalty to one’s own point of view, or a prideful display of arrogance on […]