apostasy church deception discernment Emergent humanism seeing troubles understanding prophecy false teachers Brian McLaren hypocrisy Truth Organized church Nicolaitan prostitution Rob Bell Rick Warren

Humanism and the Christian

  How often have you heard someone say, Awhat in the world are you waiting for?@ Deep down in the substrata of this little question rest the essence of nearly all the problems that plague the Church and the world.   This phrase is really a test of our allegiance. Is there an emotional, psychological, […]

Uncategorized apostasy deception Emergent understanding books heresy false teachers Brian McLaren Truth Rob Bell Hell

Brian Mclaren: Making a Case For Rob Bell

  Brian McLaren takes issue with the critics of Rob Bell. But, Brian recognizes that Rob is pushing the envelope with his not so disguised stand for universalism that he makes in his new book, Love Wins. Why else would Brian be “anticipating the baptism in hot water (or worse) that Rob Bell was about […]

apostasy church conscience deception discernment Emergent false prophets following christ hearing humanism offense Research and Discernment seeing troubles understanding new age Marketing Government sin Judgment heresy false teachers Brian McLaren hypocrisy Preachers Truth Organized church holiness Willow Creek Robert Schuller Nicolaitan war prostitution Rob Bell Hell Rick Warren


Establishing the Fact Why is it that every "Christian" thinks he or she is going to go to Heaven? The Bible is very plain concerning the fact that that isn’t going to happen. Everyone who says "Lord, Lord" will not make it. But, it doesn’t matter, wherever you go, or who ever you talk to, […]

apostasy deception Emergent hearing humanism seeing understanding books new age Marketing sin heresy false teachers Truth Rob Bell Hell

Warning!! Love Wins, by Rob Bell

    Love Wins   A New Book by Rob Bell   Every marketer knows that it is the headline or title that causes most people to read news papers, or buy books. Advertisers will tell you that the most important thing when advertising is the headline. Pick up a Readers Digest, they have mastered […]

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Hellbent On Sin

Why does the idea of sin not take Christians by the neck and shake the Devil out of them? Because the vast majority of Believers care little about sin in their own lives, and give precious little thought about how and why sin deceives us and seeks to destroy us. Sin is the prevailing evil […]

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Our Treasonous Heart

  There is a point of no return for believers when getting involved too heavily in matters of life in this world, especially where other people=s money is involved, or you have committed large amounts of other resources, like time and energy in things or opportunities, that you consider worthwhile. It is at these points, […]

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Beauty for Ashes: Introduction

  George Warnock say so gracefully and plainly what I have been trying to say, in my stumbling way, that we need an awakening to the deep things of God. What we have learned to be content with, in our forms and programs, George brings to the forefront and shines the bright light of truth […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross deception discernment Emergent following christ hearing humanism sacrifice seeing suffering understanding Serving Government repentence Judgment false teachers faith Truth peace war

Was Jesus A Pacifist As Defined By Webster?

Definition of PACIFIST 2: strongly and actively opposed to conflict and especially war Does that definition describe Jesus? No! Although He never engaged in or even defended Himself against violence, and charged His followers to do the same, He did not strongly and actively oppose conflict or war by unbelieving nations or people. On the contrary the Bible […]

apostasy discernment Emergent hearing humanism false teachers hypocrisy Truth Organized church

Your Opinion Could Be the Death of You

  by glennchristopherson       I’m not sure if it’s a recent phenomena, but I keep coming across Christians with “opinions”. And often I find when I give a scriptural backing to my argument on some topic, someone will say, “That’s just your opinion” Now opinions can be ok in certain contexts, football teams, weather, holiday […]

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YEAR END SPECIAL REPORT FROM LIGHTHOUSE TRAILS: Rick Warren’s Apologetics Weekend Should Apologize

Strong winds are blowing. What you may have thought was just a chilly gust representing a slight change in the Christian atmosphere is quickly becoming a cosmic storm of historical proportions.  Things are not what they seem to be, and what you thought you owned as a believer may very well be worthless. The greatest heist to […]