Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment false prophets hearing seeing understanding prophecy heresy false teachers hypocrisy Truth Organized church prostitution

An Urgent Inquiry into the Nature of the Church

  I have written in the past how I came to understand that most of what we see exhibited as the “Church” in the world is not the Church the Holy Spirit has revealed through the pages of the New Testament. Any honest perusal of those pages will show plainly that there is no similarity between […]

conscience discernment seeing troubles encouragement Church Life trials faith Truth Organized church

Pioneering the Truth

  The thoughts within our heads move in certain trained ways which make it easy for us to jump to conclusions or make assumptions. For instance I assume that when I use the word “God” that everyone understands that I mean the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, […]

Uncategorized church conscience cross deception discernment following christ hearing offense sacrifice seeing understanding new age encouragement Serving prophecy repentence sin heresy false teachers faith hypocrisy Preachers Truth Organized church Nicolaitan peace Hell Gospel

The Garden of Eden, and After

Where do we start an examination of “truth,” well, at the beginning would be a good place, so let’s go back to Genesis and the Garden of Eden. The common story of the “beginning” seems to always start and finish with the disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit. That is all well and good, but […]

apostasy church deception discernment Emergent humanism seeing troubles understanding prophecy false teachers Brian McLaren hypocrisy Truth Organized church Nicolaitan prostitution Rob Bell Rick Warren

Humanism and the Christian

  How often have you heard someone say, Awhat in the world are you waiting for?@ Deep down in the substrata of this little question rest the essence of nearly all the problems that plague the Church and the world.   This phrase is really a test of our allegiance. Is there an emotional, psychological, […]

apostasy church conscience deception following christ hearing seeing suffering troubles understanding Church Life trials sin hypocrisy Truth Organized church

A Christian Test of Honesty

    I am not a doctor, philosopher, or psychologist, but I have discovered a few things about honesty that I would like to share with you.   Honesty, as a Christian spiritual virtue is nearly non-existent today. Hear me out and I think you will agree.   Honesty has several different facets. When we […]

church deception discernment hearing offense seeing understanding prophecy heresy false teachers faith hypocrisy Preachers Truth holiness

His Word is His Bond

  In a time, not so long ago, a man of character would be referred to as a man of his word. It might be said of him, “His word is his bond”. This was the era, now gone, when it was a compliment to call some one God-fearing.  Now is the era of the likeable […]

deception discernment following christ seeing encouragement faith Doctrine Truth

What Color is Your Truth? Part 2

    What Color is Your Truth?   Part 2   Buy truth, and do not sell it; and as a bonus get wisdom, instruction, and understanding.  Proverbs 23:23   Why does truth even matter? We throw the word around as if it is important, but rarely even consider the futility of the search. Yet, […]

apostasy deception discernment Emergent seeing books sin Judgment false teachers Doctrine war war on sin Rob Bell Hell

A Little Bit About Hell, and Rob Bell; Chapter 3, Love Wins

  Rob Bell is obviously not one of those to whom the truth has been revealed, and has found it necessary to rely on his own “reason” to try and de-code Bible mysteries.  Rob’s results are laughable since he overlooks the evident simplicity of “truth.” When Jesus spoke, many misunderstood Him, because He would use […]

Uncategorized deception discernment following christ humanism Research and Discernment seeing understanding encouragement false teachers hypocrisy Truth

What Color is Your Truth?

    part 1     What color is your truth?   Think for a moment of how many “truths,” there are said to exist…………O.K. times up. No one can possibly know how many! Did you come up with a number; did you even try? It could easily be said that there are as many […]

apostasy church conscience deception discernment Emergent false prophets following christ hearing humanism offense Research and Discernment seeing troubles understanding new age Marketing Government sin Judgment heresy false teachers Brian McLaren hypocrisy Preachers Truth Organized church holiness Willow Creek Robert Schuller Nicolaitan war prostitution Rob Bell Hell Rick Warren


Establishing the Fact Why is it that every "Christian" thinks he or she is going to go to Heaven? The Bible is very plain concerning the fact that that isn’t going to happen. Everyone who says "Lord, Lord" will not make it. But, it doesn’t matter, wherever you go, or who ever you talk to, […]