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Puzzled About the Plague of Coronavirus?

I’m a little puzzled! With all the “faith” healers that surround the President, and all the television charlatans who harp their healing abilities, and all the spiritual millionaires selling books and filling stadiums, and all the Kenneth Copeland’s, and Pat Robertson’s, and T. D. Jakes, Jimmy Swaggart’s, Peter Popoff’s, Jack Van Impe’s, and Jesse Duplantis’, […]

Uncategorized apostasy deception discernment humanism sacrifice suffering troubles Church Life trials prophecy Government sin Judgment false teachers hypocrisy Truth war Hell Gospel Patriotism foolishness Catholic Politics Religion Protestantism violence Christian End Times

Blistering Heat and A Boiling Caldron

“He makes the depths seethe like a boiling caldron and stirs up the sea like blistering oil” The world is fighting evil on every front and every nation sees its neighbor as evil. Man has not fought his most difficult battle because it is the battle he must fight with himself, his own flesh. The […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross deception discernment false prophets hearing troubles Church Life trials prophecy sin Judgment false teachers faith hypocrisy Preachers Doctrine Truth Gospel Justice Patriotism Catholic Politics NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism martyrdom history violence Christian End Times Radical-Reformation

While It Is Called TODAY

Is it possible that so many of my Protestant friends have rejected the clear teachings, of not only history, but the New Testament, concerning the use of violence against his fellowman? Yes, it is not only possible but it is actually the case. That same New Testament also confirms that in these last days that […]

Uncategorized discernment Emergent Church Life prophecy false teachers Doctrine Truth Organized church Gospel Tony Jones Religion Protestantism Christian End Times

Beware of the Leaven

We see an increase today of new ways to interpret Scripture that has saturated nearly all of Christendom. With the advent of the internet, we also see the prophecied increase in knowledge, but not all knowledge is good or Godly. Those areas of knowledge that are most dangerous are of the esoteric or cryptic kind: […]

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The Insanity of Our Sanity

“I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell.” William Tecumseh Sherman War is truly hell and violence is sadistic, yet […]

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A Timely Message About Peace

Peace, who has even heard of such a thing in our times, is it something new? The Catholics and Evangelicals know nothing of peace, confusing it with a militaristic state of control; and the Anabaptists confuse it with a physiological state of rest. Then, what is Peace? The earliest prophets anticipated peace as one of […]

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Social Justice

Social Justice is not a Christian term and should only be used in relation to the confusion, conversation, and lostness of the world. The words “Social Justice” sound good and even Christian but are never found on the lips of Jesus. The Social Justice advocate is likely to use the words of Jesus to advance […]

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The Devil Adores the Christian Soldier

There are no Christian Patriots, a lie that’s everywhere believed, And as far as enduring suffering, God has closed His ears to thee. Your faith and life are based upon, a flag and sophistry, That you display with foolish pride, and think it sets you free. You have walked into harm’s way, and accepted the […]

church sacrifice suffering baptism holidays Government Doctrine Truth peace Gospel Politics NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism martyrdom history Reformation Anabaptist Christian Freedom

Happy Reformation Day!

Trick or Treat? Many will recognize October 31st as Reformation Day. Although very few Protestants can tell you what happened on this day in 1517, those who suffered most at the hands of the Reformers can tell you clearly. On October 31st, 1517 Martin Luther, supposedly, nailed his proposal to reform the Catholic Church, better known […]

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Where We Are At Today

In the national life of our country, the prevailing Christian thought is that of Protestantism while the Anabaptist have sought out safety, security, and isolation from persecution. Consequently, since the 1920’s general societal shift to liberalism, we are today left with the collapses of Christianity. What we now see is an image of a building […]