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The Church and Its Orthodoxy (Conformity) Toward War: Part 5

This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series The Church and Its Orthodoxy (Conformity) Toward War

As we have seen in the last article, the Book of Hebrews starts out with a definitive statement of the relationship and authority of Jesus regarding everything that was written, or said, before His arrival. But, the words from the author of Hebrews are only an intensification of the words spoken by Jesus Himself in […]

Uncategorized church discernment following christ understanding Church Life Government sin Judgment heresy false teachers faith hypocrisy Preachers Doctrine Truth holiness peace war Gospel Justice Patriotism Politics

The Church and Its Orthodoxy (Conformity) Toward War: Part 4

This entry is part 4 of 8 in the series The Church and Its Orthodoxy (Conformity) Toward War

The last article in my refutation of Dr. Robert Moyer’s pamphlet, The Christian and War, left off by answering his question, “Does God Ever Authorize Human Governments to Take Life?”. Now we will continue to unravel his web by probing his next question. “Should Nations Ever Declare War?” As is his normal way of proceeding […]

Uncategorized church cross deception discernment following christ humanism offense Research and Discernment understanding Government sin Judgment false teachers Truth Organized church holiness peace war Gospel Justice Patriotism Catholic Politics

The Church and Its Orthodoxy (Conformity) Toward War: Part 3

This entry is part 3 of 8 in the series The Church and Its Orthodoxy (Conformity) Toward War

Dr. Robert Moyer states twice that the source of his answers will be the Word of God, and then qualifies the statements by saying that “. . . we shall try to be honest . . . .” Unless he had some help I will assume that the “we” is he; and as a doctor […]

Uncategorized church cross deception discernment following christ humanism suffering understanding The Shack Church Life Government sin false teachers faith Preachers holiness peace war Gospel Patriotism

The Christianization of War and Violence, Pt 1

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Christianization of war and violence

This article is an introduction to a most disturbing question: Have American Christians been deluded about the issue of war and violence? Part one Christians lead the parade with a grand patriotic show of support when it comes to what they consider a “just war” cause. I was part of that parade for a long […]

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Gay Bashing: Those Who Do and Those Who Don’t

Why does it always sound so hypocritical when Evangelicals bash Gays and so worldly when the other side embraces them? Could it be that they are both wrong! In LGBT congregations the wrongness of the position is so apparent; they openly allow and advertise their sin. On the other hand, in the “Gay bashing” congregations, […]

church deception discernment hearing offense seeing understanding prophecy heresy false teachers faith hypocrisy Preachers Truth holiness

His Word is His Bond

  In a time, not so long ago, a man of character would be referred to as a man of his word. It might be said of him, “His word is his bond”. This was the era, now gone, when it was a compliment to call some one God-fearing.  Now is the era of the likeable […]

apostasy church conscience deception discernment Emergent false prophets following christ hearing humanism offense Research and Discernment seeing troubles understanding new age Marketing Government sin Judgment heresy false teachers Brian McLaren hypocrisy Preachers Truth Organized church holiness Willow Creek Robert Schuller Nicolaitan war prostitution Rob Bell Hell Rick Warren


Establishing the Fact Why is it that every "Christian" thinks he or she is going to go to Heaven? The Bible is very plain concerning the fact that that isn’t going to happen. Everyone who says "Lord, Lord" will not make it. But, it doesn’t matter, wherever you go, or who ever you talk to, […]

following christ Church Life sin faith Doctrine holiness peace war war on sin

How Much of Our Life, Strength, and Comfort Depends on Our “Dying to the Old Man”?

This is a very good question since we all want to be strong, healthy, and enjoy many good days of peace and comfort.   Many a man has spent his whole life in the fight against indwelling sin, in a constant battle, and has never seen a day of comfort, and feel all the time […]

seeing understanding books encouragement Church Life Serving sin faith Communion Truth holiness


  THE HARNESS OF THE LORD   by Bill Britton   I SAW THE KING'S CARRIAGE On a dirt road in the middle of a wide field stood a beautiful carriage, something on the order of a stagecoach but all edged in gold and with beautiful carvings. It was pulled by six large chestnut horses: […]

Uncategorized adversity apostasy church conscience deception discernment following christ hearing humanism sacrifice seeing troubles understanding encouragement Church Life trials repentence sin false teachers hypocrisy Truth Organized church holiness war

Our Treasonous Heart

  There is a point of no return for believers when getting involved too heavily in matters of life in this world, especially where other people=s money is involved, or you have committed large amounts of other resources, like time and energy in things or opportunities, that you consider worthwhile. It is at these points, […]